We love to be Jesus’ Hands and Feet! In addition to celebrating the Lord’s Day each Sunday and sharing the Good News of Jesus Christ, our church family loves to give back to the community and the World!
We do this by various out reach activities put on by our Women’s Christian Ministries, the Men of the Church as well as our youth. We do many things such as, sharing the warmth of Jesus’ Love through our Prayer Shawl Ministry, Angel Trees for less fortunate children, school supply drives for our local schools, preparing hot meals for shut-ins, Cans For CAP, our year round can food drive for the homeless and those in need. Supporting our First Responders by our Caring for Cops program, to hosting our friends who rebuild our community with Salkehatchie as well as encourage and strengthen those who struggle with addictions with Overeaters Anonymous. Diving into God’s Word with other believers with Bible Study Fellowship.
If you are interested in learning more about what we do or would like to help us make a difference give us a call, we would love to hear from you!
Get Connected Like to find out more? Need Prayer? We would love to hear from you!
Ph. 843-248-4140